Se lanzó en Song & Dance Contest 2016 2017
What a Grimm World es el nombre de la versión 2016 – 2017 del tradicional Song & Dance Contest que puso a soñar a muchas alumnas y a trabajar desde ya a otras para lograr estar en las eliminatorias. Los temas sobre los cuales deben basar sus puestas en escena deben llevar la marca o ser adptaciones de las historias de los Hermanos Grimm a quienes se les rinde un tributo este año; así quedaron distribuidos por cursos:
- 6th grade: fairies
- 7th grade: animals, hunters
- 8th grade: princesses
- 9th grade: witches
- 10th grade: children
“In a world… Where nothing is what it seems…where no one knows the real story… Where Disney was put to glory. But this is all a lie, and you may ask why… You see, there is no happy ending, not a single happy ever after, you’ll never hear the last laughter. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen the enunciation of the truth. So listen, the truth is that this jolly illusion was manufactured so carefully you all believed it. How did this happen? Who’s to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, but again. Truth be told. If you’re looking for the guilty, you need only to look into a mirror. You were fooled. Now, if you find it all hard to believe, see it for yourself. They’re here, waiting to meet you at Plaza Fundadores, you must go there now, the masterminds behind all enchanting tales are waiting, and they shall never be forgotten.» Written by: Marianna Feuillet |
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