


El miércoles 27 de enero de 2016 los cerca de 800 asistentes al Teatro de Bellas Artes de Cafam pudieron disfrutar de uno de los mejores Song & Dance Contest que se han realizado en el Marymount.

El trabajo de varios meses de las estudiantes de Bachillerato Medio y Alto, así como de los equipos de profesores de inglés y artes que las acompañaron y asesoran, se vio reflejado en música, baile e historias interesantes detrás de canciones de diferentes géneros como el rock’n roll, el reggae, la música country, el Hip Hop y la Latina.

En palabras de Ma. Angela Torres, rectora del Marymount: “el Song & Dance es parte de nuestro legado, de nuestra historia y tradición.  Es el reflejo de uno de los principios pedagógicos con los que trabajamos – el aprender haciendo, y la oportunidad de divertirse sacando lo mejor de cada quien. La interdisciplinariedad y el trabajo en equipo de diferentes departamentos del colegio, han permitido que disfrutemos de un show de altura. Este es el espíritu Marymount”.

Cinco jurados reconocidos que se desempeñan en el campo de la actuación, las danzas, el canto y el teatro deliberaron dando como ganadoras a las estudiantes de Sexto grado, quienes demostraron con el rock’n roll que el talento es innato y que no se necesitan elementos externos para hacer un buen trabajo y destacarse.  Bravo Elvis y todos sus acompañantes.  El segundo puesto lo consiguieron las alumnas de Octavo con reggae y el tercer lugar fue para Décimo y su gozadera. El reconocimiento al mejor backdrop lo recibió Noveno – Hip Hop.

Felicitaciones a las estudiantes de Undécimo que abrieron el show con su banda musical en vivo y cerraron esta noche con un baile increíble, dejando en la mente de los asistentes personajes maravillosos que siempre ser y una banda musical en vivo que siempre serán recordados.

Video introductorio
Song & Dance Contest 2016
The story behind a song

Los profesores también quisieron ponerse en los zapatos de las alumnas demostrando sus talentos.

Vea galerías de imágenes

  • Rock and Roll

    By 6th graders

    Elvis is a poor boy that lives in the streets with his family. His deepest desire is to become a superstar, and he is close to the realization of this dream after, unexpectedly, he receives a pair of blue suede shoes that give him good luck. Elvis is fascinated with the lucky shoes; therefore he starts writing a song about them. However, all of a sudden… the shoes are lost!

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  • Country

    By 7th graders

    The life of Elle King, your typical cowgirl is about to turn upside down.Worlds collide when millionaire entrepreneur, Donald Trump, decides to hold his very prestigious beauty pageant “America`s Sweetheart” in Elle´s hometown. Her easy-breezy country style is going head to head with the other model´s way of doing things. How much of these girly girls do you think Elle can put up with?

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  • Reggae

    By 8th graders

    Back in the days, down in the Deep South, your skin color determined the treatment you’d receive, the life you’d have and where you’d end up? A bunch of girls fighting for survival in this unfriendly time, one dim light shining in the darkness… It all happened one day; and hopefully, it will all happen one day… One day everyone will be faithful to their word, One day everyone will be taken into account, One day everyone will be judged fairly, One day… As Lennon imagined «the world will be as one».

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  • Hip Hop

    By 9th graders

    You will travel with the characters to a place where fear, and defeat is inevitable. Three stories are connected. Each, complicated and intriguing. A girl that has lived her life in the wrong path, and knows no other way. A boy that only does what his father tells him to do; even if it is not what makes him happy. And a group of dancers that have a dream, but wishing is not enough. Three views, three conflicts, but one common goal. They all believe that they are doomed to lose, but is hope enough to change their fate?

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  • Latin

    By 10th graders

    In the beautiful city of Miami there is a neighborhood where music is always played and people are constantly partying, dancing and singing; especially in the central plaza. This place is called LA ZONA a place where Latinos reunite to have fun. Marc; a businessman with big plans, but no heart, is threatening this multicultural spot. Five friends Alex (Dominican), Randy (Cuban), Michi (Brazilian), Jacobo (Colombian) and Nando (Mexican) are willing to do everything to change Marc’s mind and save their beloved ZONA.

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  • Seniors

    What happens in a world where there is no music?Where such art is silenced and its creators are treated like culprits? Where playing the notes on a piano is the same as condemning yourself to solitary confinement for months? Why would this world even exist? Sometimes, stories can threaten authorities, making people reflect and question. Such stories can come in many distinct ways, but music is the way, in which they do not only talk to the mind, but also reach the soul. “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” Come with us and get to know some of those stories that we can silence no more.

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  • Social Photography

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