
Juan Luis Mejía Arango

Rector of EAFIT University


Juan Luis Mejia Arango was born in Medellín on October 3, 1951. He studied law at the Pontifica Bolivariana University in Medellin.


Since 1979, his life has been linked to education and culture. He was director of the National Library of Colombia, He was also appointed deputy director of Cultural Heritage of the Colombian Institute of Culture, Colcultura.


He assumed the Direction of the Colombian Chamber of Books


Director General of the Colombian Institute of Culture, Colcultura.


In 1999, he was Secretary of Education of Medellín. Shortly after during the Presidency of Andres Pastrana, was appointed Minister of Culture, position in which he stayed for one year.


He was later appointed Consul of Colombia in Seville, Spain. He was then transferred to Madrid as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of Colombia in Spain.


In 2002 he returned to Colombia to dedicate himself to Horizontes educational project, a task he alternated with his work as a defender of the reader of the newspaper El Colombiano.


Since 2004 he has been the rector of EAFIT University in Medellín. In addition, since May 2008, he has been a corresponding member of the Colombian Academy of Language.


He currently belongs to different boards of directors and is a member of the National Planning Council and the Board of Directors of the Instituto Caro y Cuervo.

Address: Calle 169B # 74A - 02


Phone: (57-1) 66 99 077

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