• Brazil

    Embassy Oficial Website:

    Location in Bogota

    Telephone in Colombia

    Carrera 93 #14-20 / 8th floor

    (571) 218 08 00

    (571) 635 16 94

  • Mexico

    Location in Bogota

    Calle 113 #7-21 of. 204

    Telephone in Colombia

    (571) 629 49 89

  • United States

    Embassy Oficial Website:

    Location in Bogota

    Calle 22D Bis # 47-51

    Telephone in Colombia

    (571) 275 20 00

  • Portugal

    Location in Bogota

    Calle 99 # 7A-77, Of. 507,  Advance Building

    Telephone in Colombia

    (571) 307 29 90


  • Great Britain

    Embassy Oficial Website:

    Location in Bogota

    Carrera 9, No 76-49,

    8th floor  - ING Barings Building

    Telephone in Colombia

    (571) 326 83 00


  • Italy

    Embassy Oficial Website:

    Location in Bogota

    Calle 93B # 9-92

    Telephone in Colombia

    (571) 218 72 06


  • France

    Embassy Oficial Website:

    Location in Bogota

    Carrera 11 # 93-12

    Telephone in Colombia

    (571) 638 14 00

    (571) 638 14 12



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About Bogotá

The Republic of Colombia is a democratic State; the President is elected by popular vote for a period of 4 years and the position is occupied today by Juan Manuel Santos Calderón.


Political-administrative division:

32 departments and Bogota, Capital District. Colombia has six major regions: Andean, Caribbean, Pacific, Orinoquia, Amazonia and Insular.


Time Zone:

GMT +5 hours


National Holiday:

July 20



The Colombian peso (COP or COL $) is the national currency of the Republic of Colombia. Its circulation is controlled by Banco de la República de Colombia.


Currency exchange:

Dollar: $ 1 =                   colombian pesos

Euro: € 1 = $ 3,070 Colombian pesos

These values ​​may change according to the representative market rate.



Domestic energy is 110-volts AC (110V AC, 60Hz). Electrical connectors or plugs are used with two flat pins or with a third round pin and it is easy to get current adapters as well as voltage regulators. We recommend to check the technical indications of the devices to be used in Colombia.



About 48 million people


Average temperature:

Bogotá: 13°C

Cartagena: 30°C

Medellín: 15°C

Barranquilla: 29°C

Amazonía Region:  26°C


Official language:




Catholic, with wide freedom of worship


Land borders:

2.219 kilómetros con Venezuela, 1.645 con Brasil, 1.626 con Perú, 585 con Ecuador y 226 con Panamá.


Maritime boundaries:

Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, República Dominicana y Haití.



Coat of arms and emblems




















Contact your embassy / consulate:

(Source: Chancellery of Colombia, https://goo.gl/Z2xebl)

Colombia is Magical Realism Capital cities 30"



National Tree:

the wax palm.

National Coat of Arms

National music:

cumbia, vallenato and pop.

National Anthem


National Bird

Andean condor

National Flower:

orchid catleya trianae.

Address: Calle 169B # 74A - 02


Phone: (57-1) 66 99 077



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