Bogotá is the capital of Colombia and the main business center of the country. It was founded in 1538 by the Spaniards in the zone known today as “The Candelaria”. The city is situated on the mountain chain of “Los Andes” at 2,630 meters over the sea level. Its temperature average is 19°Celsius ,but moves through 9°C and 22°C .During the year you will find Bogotá has dry and rainy moments, so it is suggested you carry a jacket and umbrella, but you will also enjoy blue skies with  splendid sunshine.


According to the organization invest, “in the city’s history and especially in the past 15 years, Bogotá stands out for its permanent innovation, becoming one of the main business centers of the country and the 6th in Latin America. Arts and culture along with its mobility solutions, its position in the environmental development and its social  inclusion programs, are a few signs of a creative city that reinforces its qualities as a destiny for foreign investments.


Bogotá’s Economy:

It is mainly based in the industry, trade, and business and management services. Twenty percent of the companies in the “Bogotá-Cundinamarca” region are in the manufacturing business. The production of metals, machinery, equipment, printers, chemicals, foods, beverages, tobacco, textiles and wood.



it's usual to leave as a tip the 10% of the total cost of your purchase. It is voluntary to tip according to the service you have received.



use the vehicles the school offers you to go to and from  the hotel and school facilities. At the hotel always request for taxi service. As a security measure, never take a taxi out on the streets.


On Sundays and holidays, Bogotá has a Bike route( Ciclovía) from 7am to 2pm along some main streets ,so that families and sportsmen and women can enjoy cycling, jogging, walking and even aerobics exercises. Mobility in transportation might change a bit giving priority to these athletes.



Bogotá has many shopping malls or boutiques you would like visit but, as security measures we suggest you move around the hotel and its nearby stores. Some of these shopping establisments are:


  • Centro Comercial Andino
  • Unicentro
  • Centro Comercial El Retiro
  • Hacienda Santa Bárbara
  • Centro Comercial Santa Ana
  • Atlantis Plaza


As in any city in the world, we recommend you are careful with your belongings and do NOT accept help from strangers at any times. Please ask the NHCollection staff or  Marymount School staff for any advice. They will gladly help you!



  • 24 hour emergencies: 123
  • Citizen service:   ( 57-1) 217 0711 Ext. 101
  • Tourist information pone service: 01 8000 127 400
  • National Police service: 112 / 428 0677 – 428 2272


If necessary, go to the visitor Information centers located in different areas of the city or check the page  where you will find more information to make your stay a pleasant one.


Visit other places in Colombia




Address: Calle 169B # 74A - 02


Phone: (57-1) 66 99 077

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